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Verantwortlich Marco Düsünceli
Zuletzt aktualisiert 16.02.2023
Zeitaufwand 9 Stunden
Mitglieder 27
  • Equipment
    • Who are we? Employees present themselves
    • How to create a GitHub account
    • How to change your name in Github
    • Corporate Identity
    • Learn about company pension scheme
    • Learn about vacation rules
    • Work Equipment
  • Preparation
    • Setting up your Computer
    • Share your calendar
    • Data Security
    • Document filling guide
    • Basics DSGVO
    • Setting up your Mailbox
    • Enter your Skills
    • Instruct on SAMSA-IT way on documentation
  • Tasks & Projects
    • Learn about Scrum rules
    • Instruct on billing timesheets
    • Learn to do timesheet reporting
    • How to find a specific user story? (=task)
      5 xp
  • Project work
    • How to write a ticket to Odoo
    • Whom can I ask regarding...
      10 xp